词汇练习6-Formal Session

  1. 4. Pressing numbers to make a phone call
  2. 6. A bright color that is a mix of red and yellow
  3. 7. Talking by typing on the internet or phone
  4. 12. Getting something from the internet onto your device
  5. 14. A deep color you get from mixing red and blue
  6. 19. Things you need for a job or hobby
  7. 20. Making something new that no one has made before
  8. 22. A place on computers where you can see websites, play games, or talk to people
  9. 23. A phone that can go on the internet and do many things
  10. 24. When you're connected to the internet and can see websites or talk to people
  11. 26. A shiny, light gray color
  12. 27. Something that does a job for you, often with buttons to push
  13. 28. up Calling someone on the phone
  14. 30. A place on the internet where you can find many pages
  15. 31. up Joining a website or group
  1. 1. Having clothes or shoes on
  2. 2. camera A camera that doesn’t use film to take pictures
  3. 3. A personal website where someone writes their thoughts or shares stories
  4. 5. connection A way to get on the internet
  5. 8. media Websites where you can share pictures and talk to friends
  6. 9. The color you see a lot in nature, like on leaves
  7. 10. Taking pictures with a camera
  8. 11. When two things are able to talk or work together
  9. 12. A small round mark, used in website addresses
  10. 13. A camera for computers for video chats
  11. 15. Putting pictures or words on paper
  12. 16. Open shoes for warm weather
  13. 17. A bright color like the sun
  14. 18. The part with letters you press to type on a computer
  15. 21. Watching stories or clips on a screen
  16. 25. A very dark color, like the night sky
  17. 29. A new thing that someone made for the first time