times the charm

  1. 4. How many parts in the Hitchhiker's Guide?
  2. 5. The personification of destiny
  3. 9. Law that states "A = A"
  4. 10. Faith, hope, and love
  5. 12. Combine the root, third, and fifth
  6. 13. Law that states that something cannot be and not be at the same time
  7. 14. Army of Darkness weapon
  8. 15. Built houses out of straw, sticks, and bricks
  9. 16. The unification of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity
  10. 18. Derived the laws of planetary motion
  11. 19. Nitrogen with three hydrogens
  1. 1. Moha, Raga, and Dvesha lead to its creation
  2. 2. Narya, Nenya, Vilya
  3. 3. Law that states that something has to be or not be
  4. 6. Its angles add up to 180
  5. 7. Goddess of ghosts and magic
  6. 8. The personification of vengeance
  7. 11. Red, blue, and yellow
  8. 17. PVT - used to remember Murphy's _____
  9. 20. Is the Japanese idea of something that not is being as important as the part that is