Criminal Justice

  1. 3. suspicion, supported by facts, which leads police to believe a person committed a crime
  2. 4. being tried more than once for the same incident of crime
  3. 7. Amendment states homes, papers, and effects are protected against unreasonable searches and seizures
  4. 8. Ensure that all those charged with a crime receive their 6th amendment right to representation by a lawyer
  5. 12. After a sentence is served, we should restore all rights to youthful and nonviolent offenders
  6. 13. percent of people entering prison that are poor
  7. 16. police need to make sure that their warrant is completed, but also correct and specific
  8. 17. money paid to the court for an accused person’s temporary release, ensuring they will return to court for trial
  9. 18. refers to punishments that are excessively harsh, including torture
  10. 21. Address prosecutorial abuses
  11. 22. when the police find evidence illegally, that evidence may not be used against the defendant in court
  12. 23. Do no harm
  13. 24. Excessive bail shall not be required
  14. 25. Type of discovery that….permits admission of evidence obtained through illegal means
  1. 1. Using electronic devices to search for something in someone else’s home is unreasonable without a warrant
  2. 2. the search of any place at any time
  3. 5. end unduly harsh sentences; eliminating mandatory minimum sentences
  4. 6. bans use of illegally obtained evidence
  5. 7. No Person shall be held to answer for a capital, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury
  6. 9. court case stating people have the right to privacy
  7. 10. Clue needed
  8. 11. Amendment that guarantees a speedy and public trial
  9. 14. the courts states that it’s legal to do drug tests, including all extra-curricular activities
  10. 15. court case saying you must give your name to the police with reasonable suspicion to ensure public safety
  11. 16. jury decides only if a person should be accused of a crime or not
  12. 19. being forced to testify against yourself during a trial
  13. 20. court case states that it’s legal to do drug tests to determine drug use and safety