Happy Valentine’s Day 🫶🏼

  1. 2. anniversary month
  2. 5. our signature drink
  3. 8. double rumhaven and pineapple
  4. 11. you are my
  5. 13. days on our road trip
  6. 14. moving company
  7. 15. favorite city on road trip
  8. 19. go hockey!
  9. 20. number of national parks we’ve been to
  10. 21. restaurant we had our 6 month dinner at
  11. 22. our new city
  12. 23. favorite thing to watch with you
  1. 1. my nickname for you
  2. 3. our mutual top artist
  3. 4. my middle name
  4. 6. steakhouse
  5. 7. my newest tattoo
  6. 9. month you came to california
  7. 10. number of times bela went to florida
  8. 12. fav snack in seattle
  9. 16. favorite drink on the road trip
  10. 17. our street
  11. 18. fourth national park
  12. 22. newest sport we tried