
  1. 1. Operated by water under pressure
  2. 3. Fire ________
  3. 4. not from this world
  4. 7. Lifting surface
  5. 8. One’s land
  6. 11. Big rock in space
  7. 13.
  8. 15. Opposite of hydrated
  9. 19. Underground
  10. 21. Air in a can
  1. 2. The atmosphere
  2. 5. A branch of science studying space
  3. 6. Traveler in a hot air balloon
  4. 9. A place for small animals
  5. 10. Person who goes to space
  6. 12. “H” of the periodic table
  7. 14. Small dog Bred to hunt rodents
  8. 15. Something really bad
  9. 16. What to do if exhausted
  10. 17. Study’s of movements in space
  11. 18. Different exercises
  12. 20. Practice of flying minuvers