Happy Valentine

  1. 2. ______ The Way
  2. 3. Fastest Potato
  3. 7. Warm Embrace
  4. 10. Thing Sophie makes better than anyone
  5. 11. Was God of mischief, but now God of snuggling
  6. 14. Large marsupial
  7. 15. Game Sophie has never lost against Ewan
  8. 16. Sophie’s Favourite evening snack
  9. 17. Best school
  10. 18. Game Sophie sometimes looses against Ewan
  11. 20. Coolest Punk Band
  12. 21. Shank’s secret identity
  1. 1. Most Loved member of the family and definitely Loki’s favourite
  2. 4. A tale of two Canadian Cities
  3. 5. Hugs and Kisses
  4. 6. Luckiest Husband
  5. 7. Ewan’s go to food
  6. 8. You’ve gone too far past Toowoomba
  7. 9. Other Sophie evening snack
  8. 12. Game Sophie and Ewan are fairly evenly matched
  9. 13. Other Sophie favourite evening snack
  10. 17. Best Pokemon of all time
  11. 19. Compassionate Food (Sophie’s go to)
  12. 22. Australian City