plate tectonics

  1. 5. What is it called when form initially by the stretching and moving of continental crust and by the rise of mantle material and magma into the crack to form new oceanic lithosphere
  2. 6. Mountains are fornd by ------ caused by convergent plates
  3. 7. What is caused by the movement between tectonic plates along a line in the earth's crust
  4. 9. What theory was created by Alfred Wegener
  5. 12. what happens when one plate goes under the other
  6. 13. What does a convergent plate boundary make when they push together
  7. 16. what was the most damaging earthquake called
  1. 1. What is it called occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other
  2. 2. What is it called when 2 tectonic plates go under each other
  3. 3. what is it called when two plates slide past each other
  4. 4. what is the most destructive volcano in the world
  5. 8. what was it called when all the continents were connected
  6. 10. What happens when an earthquake happens close or under the sea
  7. 11. What is the massive mid-ocean ridge system which is a continuous range of underwater volcanoes that wraps around the globe called
  8. 14. which country is getting split in half by tectonic plates
  9. 15. What is the reoccurring wave caused by effects of the gravitational interactions between the Sun, Moon, and Earth on the ocean called