Math Class Crossword

  1. 1. Senior
  2. 3. Not 5'5
  3. 8. Always wears a scarf
  4. 9. The guy who dressed like a cat
  5. 11. The impostor
  6. 12. Sophomore
  7. 14. "Twin where have you been?..."
  8. 17. Wears multicolored shoes
  9. 18. Not Eryk or Christyan
  10. 19. Silent genius
  11. 20. Not 6'4
  1. 1. Not Alejandro
  2. 2. Most likely to give a pop quiz
  3. 4. Gives side eyes
  4. 5. Lifegaurd
  5. 6. Not Reagan or Kendall
  6. 7. Longest curliest hair
  7. 9. Doesn't talk
  8. 10. Always wearing a grey hoodie
  9. 13. Easily excited about math
  10. 15. Always carried by his table
  11. 16. Took pictures of peoples feet for their math project