Gold Rush Crossword 1

  1. 4. ___Strauss of clothing fame.
  2. 5. A wagon or "choo-choo" type.
  3. 6. Animals trapped for _____.
  4. 8. The Sierra Nevada and Rocky were examples of ____ some settlers had to cross to get to CA.
  5. 10. Searchers of gold.
  6. 12. One _____ of miners dies after arriving in CA.
  7. 13. This word described life in most mining camps.
  1. 1. California became one in 1850.
  2. 2. It grew "overnight" as they say.
  3. 3. Fur was used to make this in the USA and in Europe.
  4. 5. "Forty Niners" is a _____ name in S.F.
  5. 7. One of the former capitals of California.
  6. 9. Author of early Calif book.
  7. 11. Most _____ lost all they had.