  1. 2. a leadership style that involves follower in decision-making.
  2. 5. how many people you need and what type of skills they should have.
  3. 6. the process of effectively managing and organizing the workforce to achieve organizational goals.
  4. 8. a leadership styles that offers clear instructions set of goals, and defines expectation
  5. 14. type of leadership doesn’t rely on the personal magnetism or charisma.
  6. 15. qualities that makes a good leader.
  7. 16. the art of making sure everyone is working together.
  8. 17. also known as human resource management
  9. 21. make sure you can tell when you reach youve goal.
  10. 22. a type of leader that encourages team participation in decision-making process.
  11. 24. set a deadline for when you want to finish your goal.
  12. 25. enhancing employee skills, and knowledge to improve performance.
  13. 27. making sure your goal is clear and say exactly what you want to do.
  14. 29. idividual who guides and influences others towards a common goal.
  15. 32. was a German American psychologist who made significant contributions to the field of social psychology.
  16. 34. type of leadership that has a strong personality.
  17. 37. pick a goal that matters to you and fits with what you want to do.
  18. 38. planning out the sequence of activities
  19. 39. the target or goal you want to reach.
  20. 40. making sure everything is going according to plan.
  21. 41. centralized decision-making.
  1. 1. this is like the organizational ladder.
  2. 3. keeping the members know their role
  3. 4. a group of people working together to achieve common goal.
  4. 7. evaluating employee performance against set goals, and expectations.
  5. 9. like making a road map.
  6. 10. an example of an organization.
  7. 11. emphasizes control, order, formality, minimizing informal relation.
  8. 12. he developed the Robert House path goal theory.
  9. 13. leadership styles that set challenging goals, expects high-performance.
  10. 18. deciding which task are most important
  11. 19. he developed fiddler contingency theory.
  12. 20. a type of leader, that imposes decision with minimal team input
  13. 23. the pathway of authority.
  14. 26. also known as the least preferred coworker.
  15. 28. setting goals, and making sure you reach them within a certain timeframe.
  16. 30. a leadership is styles that prioritize follower well-being
  17. 31. like a military structure where orders come from the top to down
  18. 33. predicting what work needs to be done how much and by when.
  19. 35. guiding and motivating the team
  20. 36. choose a goal that you can actually do.