
  1. 1. Being free from the Public
  2. 3. Stealing personal information from users
  3. 4. String of characters accessing information
  4. 6. Someones who harms other users
  5. 7. False display gaining private information
  6. 14. Verify identity on physical characters
  7. 15. Help protect and secure passwords
  8. 16. File website stores information on computer
  9. 17. Unwanted messages from unknown users
  10. 18. Move files to remote locations
  11. 19. A false warning
  1. 2. Ensuring request information not imposter
  2. 3. Security treats inside the company
  3. 5. Behavioral hazard when user obsess
  4. 8. Sciences designed to arrange items
  5. 9. Active file that are harmful
  6. 10. Malware hidden inside another program
  7. 11. Technology used to stalk others
  8. 12. Toxic waste from discarded devices
  9. 13. Collection of harmful computer codes