Mental Health Matters

  1. 2. Attitude or outlook on life.
  2. 4. Treatment for mental health issues.
  3. 7. Mood disorder with extreme highs and lows.
  4. 10. Appreciation for what one has.
  5. 11. A common mental health disorder.
  6. 13. Help and encouragement from others.
  7. 14. Being present in the moment.
  8. 15. Ability to bounce back from adversity.
  9. 17. Optimism for the future.
  10. 18. Feeling alone or disconnected.
  11. 19. Prescribed drugs for mental health conditions.
  12. 20. Beneficial for mental and physical health.
  13. 22. Rest for mental and physical restoration.
  14. 23. Process of healing and improvement.
  1. 1. Overall mental and physical health.
  2. 3. Persistent sadness or loss of interest.
  3. 5. Understanding and sharing others' feelings.
  4. 6. Pressure or tension.
  5. 8. Negative perceptions about mental health.
  6. 9. Physical activity for mental well-being.
  7. 12. Taking care of one's own well-being.
  8. 14. Emotional state or feeling.
  9. 16. Dealing with stress or challenges.
  10. 21. A feeling of worry or unease.