aj’s crossword ☆

  1. 2. taylor’s first rerecording
  2. 4. what does aj do/go when they see mingi?
  3. 7. too many kids go here
  4. 8. as sung by florence and the machine, what kind of days are over?
  5. 11. a kpop title track from a group with a number as their name
  6. 14. various kpop men have gone through this
  7. 16. ella’s number one forever ♡
  8. 17. who shoulders did lana del rey’s grandfather stand on?
  9. 18. a member of a musical trio
  1. 1. the best drink to have at the club
  2. 3. ella’s top song of 2022 (2 words)
  3. 5. ella’s husband
  4. 6. the worst kind of cheese
  5. 9. this person recorded a 3am trio choreographed and performed by aj, andy, and ella
  6. 10. ella always orders an iced version of this at starbucks
  7. 12. she’s an _____ ball!
  8. 13. this decoration makes everything better
  9. 15. gay people love her