
  1. 3. this is what we measure our temperature in
  2. 5. soft frozen water flakes that fall to the earth
  3. 7. this is a huge transfer of electrons
  4. 10. this type of pressure is associated with rain
  5. 12. these people work at weather stations
  6. 14. this type of pressure is associated with clear skies
  7. 16. a measure of energy
  8. 17. a very intense snow storm
  9. 18. these circle the earth and help see storms
  1. 1. what the prediction of weather will be
  2. 2. this is what other countries measure their temperature in
  3. 4. the weather average over time
  4. 6. a quick rain storm
  5. 8. hard chunks of ice that can damage cars and homes
  6. 9. excessive moisture that floats above the ground
  7. 11. when the sky is totally covered in clouds
  8. 13. this sound results from molecules being torn apart
  9. 15. the moisture or dryness of the air