Geometry Vocabulary

  1. 2. Lines that are always the same distance apart and never meet.
  2. 3. A quadrilateral with 4 equal sides, opposite sides are equal in length and parallel.
  3. 5. A closed two-dimensional figure formed by three or more straight sides that do not cross each other.
  4. 6. A polygon with five sides and five angles.
  5. 8. A line _______ is part of a line between two endpoints.
  6. 11. A polygon with four sides and four angles.
  7. 16. A quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides.
  8. 17. A polygon with ten sides and ten angles.
  9. 18. A triangle with one right angle.
  10. 19. A triangle with all three angles less than 90°.
  11. 20. A polygon with eight sides and eight angles.
  1. 1. A polygon with six sides and six angles.
  2. 2. An exact location represented by a dot.
  3. 3. A quadrilateral with four right angles. Both sets of opposite sides are equal in length and parallel.
  4. 4. If a figure can be folded over a line so that one half of the figure matches the other half, it has line ________.
  5. 6. A quadrilateral with opposite sides equal in length and parallel. Opposite angles have the same measure.
  6. 7. A triangle with one obtuse angle.
  7. 8. A quadrilateral with 4 right angles and 4 equal sides. Opposite sides are equal in length and parallel.
  8. 9. A part of a line that has one endpoint and goes on forever in one direction without ending.
  9. 10. Lines that meet or cross each other to form right angles.
  10. 12. The point at either end of a line segment.
  11. 13. Lines that meet or cross at a point (not 90°).
  12. 14. The point where two rays meet in an angle.
  13. 15. A polygon with seven sides and seven angles.