The Lightning Thief Vocab Quiz

  1. 2. During the thunderstorm, the frightened dog would ________ in the corner, seeking safety from the loud noises.
  2. 5. The ancient book contained a spell that could _________ mythical creatures from another world.
  3. 7. She could see his confidence __________ as he stumbled over his words during the interview, revealing his nervousness.
  4. 8. The intense heat of the lava caused the water to instantly _________ upon contact, creating large clouds of steam.
  5. 9. I _______ my coworker’s effortless confidence and charisma and wish I could act the same way.
  6. 11. The brave knight went on a dangerous ________ to rescue the captured princess from the the evil sorcerer.
  7. 12. Sally expressed _________ for her friend who had lost a loved one, offering her support and comfort during a difficult time.
  1. 1. As the deadlines piled up and the workload increased, Gabe felt __________ by the large number of tasks that needed to be completed.
  2. 3. His __________ decision to quit his job without a backup plan left him scrambling to find employment.
  3. 4. The zoo decided to _________ the injured lion to a separate enclosure for its recovery and for the safety of the visitors.
  4. 6. The __________ businessman strutted into the boardroom, convinced that his ideas were far better than anyone else's.
  5. 10. Luke decided to ________ a degree in computer science to fulfill his ambition of working in the video game industry.