Further Maths

  1. 2. Chop after a rug before time
  2. 5. Children and ramblers are first, rambler after
  3. 6. A strange leathery nickel
  4. 9. Listen, I like your initials
  5. 10. Strange chat, mercy!
  6. 11. Found inside one hat
  7. 14. Bob was confused in a smile
  8. 17. Abnormal high clause
  9. 22. Help an insult, son!
  10. 23. Ice or suit
  11. 25. Less water? Quite the contrary
  12. 26. Drugs, unknown. Drugs, a thousand. One drug line.
  13. 27. Abnormal energy, unknown disappears
  14. 28. Flying, flying foxhole, but remove the yak
  15. 29. The day before tomorrow’s bread the day after yesterday
  16. 32. My nacho jam is weird!
  1. 1. Fictional fictional, discard old fiction first
  2. 3. Hm? Give chemical stew
  3. 4. Good marathon?
  4. 7. Face northward and turn around
  5. 8. 0, 51 and 6 before a set of golf clubs
  6. 12. Jump on some eggs at the start
  7. 13. Just a little at first, before six
  8. 15. Fresh, new beet unit
  9. 16. Unusual reds only
  10. 18. Bonier stew
  11. 19. Ring a good laugh, no!
  12. 20. A snakeless dojo
  13. 21. Can a horse act lovingly in the beginning?
  14. 24. MEULEMEESTER Drunk-er esteemed mule
  15. 29. Brain addled laugh, not like you to begin with
  16. 30. Letters are the wrong way round
  17. 31. Lanced, lanced