Common Terminologies in Criminal Law

  1. 2. Unlawful resistance to a superior officer
  2. 3. Inse, Wrongful and inherently immoral act from their nature.
  3. 5. Resorting to any devices to conceal identity.
  4. 8. Age, to be of "full age"
  5. 9. is the suffering that is afflicted by the state for the transgression of a law.
  6. 14. verbatim, To the letter, word for word.
  7. 15. Liberty of deciding as on thinks fit within certain parameters or limits.
  8. 17. Injury, Bodily hurt if harm inflicted to another by means of wounding, beating, or assault.
  9. 18. Body of official rules and regulations, generally found in constitutions.
  10. 19. Status, One's public station, or right or duty.
  11. 22. refers to the final disposition and determination of the court.
  12. 23. intercourse or cohabitation between two person related to each other.
  13. 24. An act committed or omitted in violation of a public law.
  14. 27. A person who is completely deprived of discernment or reason and freedom of will at the time of the commission of crime.
  15. 29. Takes no part in a contest of arms between others.
  16. 30. Delicti, Body of the crime.
  17. 31. Known as mercy killing.
  18. 34. A belief system promulgated by a group.
  19. 36. Public and malicious imputation.
  20. 37. Crimes, Unlawful acts which are consummated in one instant and there is no attempted stage.
  21. 38. Unlawful killing of any person which is neither parricide, murder nor infanticide.
  22. 40. one of the three equal portion, called minimum, medium, and maximum of a divisible penalty.
  1. 1. Clipping off of some parts of the body.
  2. 4. Acts or omissions punishable by Revised Penal Code.
  3. 6. Object if punishment is to correct and reform the offender.
  4. 7. Intention to do an injury
  5. 10. Rape, Felony commited in cases of rape where the victim is under eighteen years of age and the offender is a parent, guardian, or relative.
  6. 11. Willful desertion or forsaking of parental duties
  7. 12. unlawful killing of a father, mother, or child.
  8. 13. Time, Period of darkness beginning at end of dusk and ending at dawn.
  9. 16. Known as embezzlement.
  10. 20. Means to determine judicially.
  11. 21. Refers to the purpose to use a particular means to effect such consequences.
  12. 25. Rea, Guilty mind.
  13. 26. Anything that occur outside the sway of man's will.
  14. 28. Movement which seeks merely to affect some change of minor importance, or to prevent the exercise of a governmental authority.
  15. 32. coins, Coins below ten centavo denomination.
  16. 33. pertains to malice.
  17. 35. Refers to high social position or standing as a grade in the armed forces.
  18. 39. The annulment or destruction of another law.