Course Words

  1. 3. The process of identifying and removing errors from code.
  2. 5. A language used to create webpages
  3. 6. Worth 60% of your grade
  4. 9. The unit which we learned to build mobile apps.
  5. 11. The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own
  6. 13. The unit where you had choice in your learning.
  7. 15. The text and images on a website.
  8. 16. To turn something in
  9. 17. The lowest grade you receive on assignments.
  1. 1. How the content of a website is organized.
  2. 2. a link from text file or document to another location or file, typically activated by clicking on a highlighted word or image on the screen.
  3. 4. A language used to style webpages
  4. 7. shift-command-4
  5. 8. The place where you find courses for school
  6. 10. Worth 40% of your grade.
  7. 12. To download a file onto a platform from a different source.
  8. 14. Science Technology Engineering Math
  9. 18. The special set of characters that indicates the start and end of an HTML element and that element's type.