Star Wars

  1. 3. survived the sarlacc
  2. 9. mother of the chosen one
  3. 10. offspring of Jango Fett
  4. 12. Student-Jedi
  5. 14. where Yoda goes into hiding
  6. 15. surname of mister "hello there"
  7. 18. a wookiee from the original trilogy
  8. 19. blue admiral
  1. 1. "execute order 66"
  2. 2. midi-chlorians
  3. 4. the chosen one
  4. 5. Weapon of a Jedi Knight
  5. 6. little Yoda
  6. 7. stabbed by a bad guy
  7. 8. the bad guys
  8. 9. the ... Saga
  9. 10. fluent in over 6 million forms of communication
  10. 11. a blue little droid
  11. 13. home of the chosen one
  12. 16. planet where Grievous dies
  13. 17. the title of all bad guys