The Hunger Games

  1. 2. A person who has supposedly done something bad and their tongue has been cut off
  2. 4. This person is the mentor for Katniss and Peeta and has won the Hunger Games before
  3. 5. The main character and the girl tribute for District 12
  4. 6. Another name for District 12
  5. 9. The boy tribute of District 12
  6. 10. The berry that killed Foxface
  7. 14. This is Katniss's last name
  8. 15. A companion that helps Katniss during The Hunger Games
  9. 16. A boy who threatens Katniss and Peeta when it is down to the final three people
  10. 19. This is where the Hunger Games is played at
  11. 20. While Katniss was introducing herself in the parade, she was wearing fake ____
  12. 23. An adjective to describe the Hunger Games book
  13. 25. The sister of Katniss
  1. 1. This is an adjective that describes the Capitol (it begins with the letter 'c')
  2. 3. A wasp that is very poisonous that threatens Katniss in the Hunger Games
  3. 7. This is the animal on the pin that Madge gave Katniss
  4. 8. You put your name in more times for this
  5. 11. Katniss hunts with this person in the forest
  6. 12. The host of the interviews with the tributes
  7. 13. This is the time when names get picked for the tributes in The Hunger Games
  8. 17. What piece of equipment does Katniss like
  9. 18. This is the centre of the map of the Hunger Games
  10. 21. The black market the Katniss goes and trades in
  11. 22. This person died on a mine explosion and is related to Katniss
  12. 24. Katniss's really nice stylist