Cashless payment

  1. 5. A method of financial crime involving moving illegally obtained money through multiple accounts to hide its origin.
  2. 9. A term used to describe the process of verifying the identity of a user before authorizing a transaction.
  3. 10. A form of payment that relies on unique biological characteristics, such as fingerprints or facial recognition, for authentication.
  4. 11. A technology that uses radio waves to transmit data from a tag to a reader.
  1. 1. A system that enables individuals to transfer money electronically using a mobile device
  2. 2. A form of electronic crime where someone illegally obtains money or property.
  3. 3. An electronic device used to authorize and process credit and debit card transactions
  4. 4. Scanning this type of code with a smartphone can link directly to a website or payment page.
  5. 6. A type of payment card that allows users to make purchases using funds deducted directly from their checking account.
  6. 7. A technology that enables users to make contactless payments by waving or tapping their card or device near a compatible reader
  7. 8. Paying by simply bringing a device close to a terminal.