Legal Studies Key Terms

  1. 1. the person who commences a legal action in civil law
  2. 2. a situation where a person breaches a duty to exercise reasonable care to avoid a foreseeable risk, resulting in another person being injured or suffering a risk of injury
  3. 5. reasonable doubt: the standard of proof required in a criminal trial where the prosecution must prove that the accused is guilty to such a high degree that a reasonable person would have little doubt that the accused committed the crime
  4. 8. the court process to determine whether someone committed a criminal act
  5. 11. the accidental or unintentional killing of one person by another person
  6. 13. a tort (civil wrong) involving direct and intentional interference with a person, or a person’s land or goods
  7. 16. to take legal action against another person for a criminal offence
  8. 18. the promise that an accused person makes to appear in court at a later date
  9. 19. laws: laws made by Parliament
  10. 20. a person selected to hear and assess the evidence in a court case
  11. 23. a court official who hears cases in the higher courts, such as the District or County Court, or the Supreme Court
  12. 25. the use of laws to treat people fairly and in a way that is morally right
  13. 26. the legal principle that all citizens are subject to the law, and equal before the law, as it is upheld by independent courts
  14. 27. unlawful damage to a person’s good reputation through written or verbal statements
  15. 29. the principle that all accused people who appear before a court are presumed to be innocent until the prosecution proves that they are guilty
  16. 30. for the defence: a lawyer who represents the accused person
  1. 1. a legal principle developed by a court in the process of resolving a dispute
  2. 3. the party bringing a criminal action against the accused
  3. 4. the party in a civil trial against whom an action has been brought
  4. 6. the killing of one person by another person
  5. 7. a system for interpreting and enforcing the laws of a country
  6. 9. a set of rules that determines the structure of government and its law-making powers
  7. 10. a court official who hears cases in a magistrates court
  8. 12. services performed by a qualified legal practitioner, such as a lawyer, who deals with legal matters on behalf of the person who has hired them
  9. 14. the level of proof required to establish a case. In criminal law, the prosecution must prove that the accused is guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
  10. 15. hearing: in very serious cases, the procedure held in a lower court to determine if enough evidence exists for the case to move to a higher court
  11. 17. interference with someone’s enjoyment of public or private property
  12. 21. an argument
  13. 22. the main political party in the lower house of parliament not in power
  14. 24. a political system according to which citizens choose the way in which they are governed
  15. 25. in a criminal trial, a randomly selected group of people who decide the guilt or innocence of an accused person; a group of ordinary people randomly selected to hear and assess the evidence in a court case
  16. 28. the provision of legal assistance to those involved in a dispute or criminal matter who are unable to pay for legal representation