Diabetes Mellitus and Glycemia Management

  1. 5. Which insulin is used as a bolus or Correctional insulin to cover meals
  2. 6. What is another name for "Correctional Insulin"
  3. 8. Result that appears on Accuchek machine if blood sugar is less than 40 mg/dL
  4. 11. When should you document contacting the physician
  5. 14. Defined as a blood sugar level of 70 mg/dL or less
  6. 15. Where to document Hypoglycemic episodes and interventions
  7. 16. If Accuchek machine displays RRLo or RRHi, you should automatically _____ the test
  1. 1. Who to notify if patient is treated for Hypoglycemic episode or has multiple elevated blood sugars
  2. 2. You can find the "Diabetes Mellitus and Glycemia Management Protocol/Policy" in ________
  3. 3. ____-_____Insulin should NOT be held just because the patient doesn't want to eat yet. Contact Physician to clarify order/dose first
  4. 4. The "Hypoglycemia Treatment Algorithm" should be activated for blood sugars less than or equal to ______
  5. 7. Side Effect of glucagon that would require us to place patient on their side after administration
  6. 9. Which insulin is used as a long-acting insulin
  7. 10. CBG's should be done no more than ______ minutes prior to insulin administration
  8. 12. Result that appears on Accuchek machine if blood sugar is greater than 500 mg/dL
  9. 13. ONLY type of insulin allowed to be administered through an IV