  1. 7. "victoire" in English
  2. 9. King founded the Women's Tennis...
  3. 10. "droits" in English
  4. 11. "joueur" in English
  5. 12. last name of the female tennis player
  6. 16. type of document
  1. 1. "égalité" in English
  2. 2. Billie threatened to ..... the US Open
  3. 3. name of the winner
  4. 4. "des femmes" in English
  5. 5. last name of the male tennis player
  6. 6. the city where the match took place
  7. 8. "the ...... of the Sexes"
  8. 13. Riggs said that women's game was...
  9. 14. "mouvement" in English
  10. 15. one word to describe Riggs' personality