Natural History

  1. 1. Sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic (4)
  2. 3. The voice of Blue Planet (5)
  3. 4. Spotted bug (8)
  4. 6. Royal waterbird (4)
  5. 9. You can win them in bags at fairs (8)
  6. 11. Really bad weather (5)
  7. 14. Egg-laying mammal (8)
  8. 16. A model of the Earth (5)
  9. 17. Ouse, Severn, Wye (5)
  10. 18. Spiky desert-dweller (6)
  11. 19. Seen on wet but sunny days (7)
  1. 1. Christmas birds (5)
  2. 2. Imagine having 101 of them (10)
  3. 5. A floppy-eared rodent (6)
  4. 6. Where a group of fish go to study (6)
  5. 7. Fuzzy pollinator (9)
  6. 8. A flower for Remembrance Day (5)
  7. 10. He wrote 'On the Origin of Species' (6)
  8. 12. Animal that navigates by echolocation (3)
  9. 13. Rasp or straw (5)
  10. 15. Tasty crystals (4)
  11. 18. Seeds of the chestnut tree, smashed together by schoolchildren (7)