Spanish Crossword

  1. 3. Something flowers produce and something bees harvest.
  2. 4. People have these during the spring with food and friends or family.
  3. 6. People use these to decorate during Halloween.
  4. 8. It helps prevent sunburns and can be used in an everyday routine.
  5. 10. It it most likely to start blooming in Spring and you will see them around.
  6. 13. This falls during winter and when it is very cold.
  7. 14. This is used to comfort people and to sleep with it or use it when your cold.
  1. 1. You will walk on this at the beach and you can make castles with it
  2. 2. It is an enjoyed dessert which is mostly eaten in Summer.
  3. 4. This place has sand and water and it is the most popular location to be at during Summer.
  4. 5. People drink this during winter.
  5. 7. People feel this alot in winter.
  6. 9. This happens alot during Summer and it can even storm.
  7. 11. These fall alot during Autumn and are most of the time orange.
  8. 12. It is a yellow fruit with green spikes on the top.