Bonus Puzzle

  1. 3. Add an -a to your birth month
  2. 7. One of the smallest national parks but top 10 most visited
  3. 8. Tower designed to emit light from a system of lamps and lenses and to serve as a beacon for navigational aid
  4. 9. Natural scent associated with Christmas
  5. 10. Number one leading fruit in antioxidants
  6. 12. Author of children’s book whose characters include a pig and a spider
  1. 1. Scary Saint Bernard
  2. 2. ___Nelson played John Bender in The Breakfast Club
  3. 4. Novels include Carrie, Misery, The Shawshank Redemption
  4. 5. “The Friendly Ghost”
  5. 6. Outdoor clothing brand famous for duck boots
  6. 11. “Cockroach of the Sea”