Set Theory

  1. 5. - ⊇\supseteq⊇ (e.g., B⊇AB \supseteq AB⊇A)
  2. 6. Set - ∅\emptyset∅ or {}\{\}{}
  3. 7. Subset - ⊂\subset⊂ (e.g., A⊂BA \subset BA⊂B)
  4. 8. an element of - ∉\notin∈/ (e.g., b∉Ab \notin Ab∈/A)
  5. 9. Set - UUU (the set that contains all objects under consideration)
  6. 12. Set - P(A)\mathcal{P}(A)P(A) or 2A2^A2A (the set of all subsets of AAA)
  7. 13. - AcA^cAc or Aˉ\bar{A}Aˉ (the complement of AAA)
  8. 14. Product - ×\times× (e.g., A×BA \times BA×B)
  9. 15. - ∪\cup∪ (e.g., A∪BA \cup BA∪B)
  1. 1. Sets - ∩=∅\cap = \emptyset∩=∅ (sets with no elements in common)
  2. 2. - ∖\setminus∖ (e.g., A∖BA \setminus BA∖B)
  3. 3. - ⊆\subseteq⊆ (e.g., A⊆BA \subseteq BA⊆B)
  4. 4. Superset - ⊃\supset⊃ (e.g., B⊃AB \supset AB⊃A)
  5. 5. - {}\{ \}{} (e.g., {a,b,c}\{a, b, c\}{a,b,c})
  6. 10. - ∩\cap∩ (e.g., A∩BA \cap BA∩B)
  7. 11. of - ∈\in∈ (e.g., a∈Aa \in Aa∈A)