- 2. an electronic device used for processing information.
- 6. the study and performance of plays and acting.
- 8. a person who is studying at a school.
- 10. a notebook used to keep track of assignments and schedules.
- 12. a folder used to organize papers.
- 13. creative work involving drawing, painting, and other visual forms.
- 14. a flat, thin part of a plant that falls in autumn.
- 15. the first part of the day.
- 17. the study of the Earth and its features, including land, water, and people.
- 18. a group of students who play musical instruments together.
- 19. a book of blank pages for writing notes.
- 22. stop a designated place where a bus picks up and drops off passengers.
- 25. a type of tree whose leaves turn red and orange in autumn.
- 26. a marker used to emphasize text.
- 28. a scientific test to discover or demonstrate something.
- 31. an insect with colorful wings, often seen in summer.
- 33. a chart showing the days, weeks, and months of a year.
- 35. a small job or task, often done at home.
- 1. the time of day after noon until evening.
- 3. the study of past events and societies.
- 4. time off from school for rest or travel.
- 5. a seat hanging from ropes or chains, used for moving back and forth.
- 6. a piece of furniture where students sit and work.
- 7. short for laboratory, a place for scientific experiments.
- 9. a written composition on a specific topic.
- 11. a sticky substance used to attach things together.
- 14. a container used to carry food to school.
- 16. a piece of clothing worn over other clothes for warmth.
- 20. a person who educates students.
- 21. a sound signaling the start or end of a school period.
- 23. the study of the natural world through observation and experiments.
- 24. a writing tool used for making bold lines.
- 27. a short test to check understanding.
- 28. the study of language, literature, and writing.
- 29. a section of a musical group that plays string instruments like violins and cellos.
- 30. short for physical education, a class for exercise and sports.
- 32. the study of numbers, shapes, and patterns.
- 34. card a document showing a student's grades.