Bacteriology Lecture M1-M3 (Group 1)

  1. 2. Absence of flagella
  2. 4. Most definitive test determinant to S. Aureus
  3. 5. The region in a bacterial cell where the chromosome is located, consisting of circular, double-stranded DNA
  4. 7. It is a type of Clostridium with examples of C. tetani and C. botulinum
  5. 10. According to Carbon Source, these bacteria used reduced, preformed organic molecules from other bacteria.
  6. 12. Bean-shaped diplococci
  7. 17. complete hemolysis (clear/ colorless zone)
  8. 19. this stage of bacterial growth has no net growth and bacteria starts to produce spores.
  9. 21. The test used to determine the toxigenicity of C. diphtheriae
  10. 23. Spherical (circular) bacteria
  11. 25. Spirochetes shaped bacterial morphology
  12. 27. The virulence test used to identify Listeria monocytogenes
  13. 30. Test used to identify S. pneumoniae
  14. 31. A method of differentiating bacterial species into two groups based on the thickness of their peptidoglycan layer: Gram-positive or Gram-negative
  15. 33. Rapid test for Neisseria.
  16. 34. Kidney, coffee bean shaped Diplococci intracellular within PMN
  17. 35. It is a probiotic drink that contains Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota that can promote digestive health
  18. 36. Gram Gram (+) cocci in Tetrads (by 4)/ Sarcina (by 8)
  19. 39. Nutritionally variant Streptococci requires this for survival
  20. 41. The type of bacteria that are spore-forming and obligate anaerobes
  21. 42. transport media for Neisseria
  22. 43. Detects erythrogenic antigen
  23. 44. It is the mordant in the Gram stain process
  24. 46. Incomplete or partial hemolysis it is also a greenish zone
  25. 48. The appearance of Bacillus anthracis colonies on BAP
  26. 50. A slimy, anti-phagocytic layer surrounding the bacterial cell wall, protecting the bacteria from immune system attack
  27. 51. Bacterial structures that resist extreme environmental condition
  28. 53. this stage of bacterial growth is the stage of Cessation of bacterial growth
  29. 55. pH indicator in growth on Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA)
  30. 56. Bacterial structures formed under extreme environmental conditions that resist physical and chemical stress
  31. 57. Test used to identify S.pneumoniae
  32. 61. It is a characteristic of Corynebacterium diphtheria that means many forms/shapes
  33. 63. Arrangement of four cocci in a square.
  34. 65. Susceptibility test for Diphtheria
  35. 66. It is the pattern observed in Bacillus anthracis due to its resistance to Penicillin
  36. 69. referred to as the peptidoglycan
  37. 71. Hydrolysis test used to identify Streptococcus agalactiae.
  38. 72. Can grow in the presence of oxygen, but grow best in an anaerobic environment
  39. 74. Qualitative method used for antibiotic susceptibility testing
  40. 75. Identification of S. saprophyticus (resistant)
  41. 76. A form of macule or malignant pustule
  42. 77. Gives the bacterial cell shape
  1. 1. Most bacteriology specimens are inoculated to these plates, because this medium supports growth for all but the most fastidious clinically significant bacteria.
  2. 3. A type of culture media that promotes the growth of specific bacteria while inhibiting others, often containing inhibitors like antibiotics.
  3. 6. Skin test for S. pneumoniae infection
  4. 8. The source of infection of Bacillus cereus
  5. 9. Hairlike, proteinaceous structures that extend from the cell membrane into the external environment.
  6. 11. The most significant species of Bacillus, known as a bioterrorism agent
  7. 13. Protein structures responsible for bacterial motility, present in various forms such as monotrichous, amphitrichous, lophotrichous, and peritrichous
  8. 14. what diagnostic test uses 3%H2O2 as reagent
  9. 15. Catalase Test differentiates this bacteria from Streptococci
  10. 16. no hemolysis (no zone)
  11. 18. Movement of non-motile organisms caused by movement of molecules surrounding them.
  12. 20. The skin test /serologic precipitation test used to identify Bacillus anthracis
  13. 22. Morphologically and biochemically resembles Neisseria
  14. 24. Organisms which have grown on media
  15. 26. both solid and liquid
  16. 28. This can protect women against urogenital infections
  17. 29. Capsule produce these to facilitate and maintain bacterial colonization of biologic (e.g., teeth) and inanimate (e.g., prosthetic heart valves) surfaces.
  18. 32. Screening test for Group D Non-Enterococci and Enterococci
  19. 34. The naming of microorganisms according to established rules and guidelines.
  20. 36. the purpose of this test is for presumptive identification of Micrococci
  21. 37. It is also known as Fried rice Bacillus and it can cause gastroenteritis and food poisoning
  22. 38. Single-cell prokaryotic microorganisms that multiply by binary fission
  23. 40. The virulence factor produced by Bacillus cereus
  24. 45. An extrachromosomal double-stranded DNA structure that can carry antibiotic resistance genes.
  25. 47. It is the selective media of B. anthracis
  26. 49. The type of spores produced by Clostridium tetani
  27. 52. The disease caused by Listeria monocytogenes in newborns
  28. 54. Best test to identify S.pyogenes
  29. 56. Cause of Neonatal Meningitis
  30. 58. Acquired through contact with infected animals and animal products
  31. 59. The primary source of infection for Listeria monocytogenes
  32. 60. what bacteria uses superoxol catalase test
  33. 62. The test that shows a precipitation zone around bacteria for lecithinase
  34. 64. This is characterized by low grade fever, mild sore throat and body malaise
  35. 67. It engulfs Mycobacteria in the immune system
  36. 68. Mordant in Kinyoun method
  37. 70. The type of hemolysis exhibited by Listeria monocytogenes
  38. 73. The medium used for the culture of Listeria monocytogenes