Social Inclusion Exclusion

  1. 1. ______________ encompasses acceptance and appreciation of different sexual orientations, religions, disability, not just race
  2. 3. The UDHR states that "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and wellbeing of himself and of his family, including food, clothing and housing."
  3. 6. Disability Support Pension (____, 1991)
  4. 9. Article 7 of the UNDHR states that: All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law.
  5. 10. An integral part of life within AUS. Strongly connected to all other SVR's
  6. 12. Autism
  7. 13. ____________, prejudice and discrimination
  8. 14. Hour
  9. 15. The UDHR states that "Everyone has the right to work" which is crucial for persons to access other SVR's
  10. 17. A culturally defined sequence of age categories which people are usually expected to pass as they progress from birth to death.
  11. 18. The relative level of opportunity that an individual has to acquire material, social and cultural rewards such as education, possessions and status
  1. 2. Inputs, processes or policies that are combined to generate improvements in the lives of individuals or society as a whole.
  2. 4. Being able to visit a doctor at short notice, having access to medicines and hospital care are important aspects of healthcare, as is access to dental, skin, eye and ear care.
  3. 5. the UNDHR states that: Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages.
  4. 7. The ability of individuals and groups to move vertically within a social hierarchy with changes in income, occupation etc.
  5. 8. Disability, Disorder and___________________.
  6. 11. ____________ OUT Report
  7. 16. Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (______), 2018
  8. 19. National Disability Insurance Scheme (______), 2013