Everything About Us

  1. 4. Your favorite food
  2. 7. Our favorite word
  3. 9. The date we met
  4. 10. You love:
  5. 11. You love my:
  6. 12. Our first call sign
  7. 15. My favorite color
  8. 16. I Love:
  9. 17. My favorite food
  10. 20. Our favorite anime
  11. 22. Our call sign
  12. 24. The day I courted you
  13. 25. The most awaited day for us two
  14. 26. Where we met
  15. 28. My hobby
  16. 29. My sporttt
  17. 30. My favorite song
  1. 1. Your nickname
  2. 2. Your favorite compliment
  3. 3. The very special day that you made us in an official relationship
  4. 5. My future plan
  5. 6. You love a:
  6. 8. The day I sent you my first poem for you
  7. 13. You hate:
  8. 14. Your favorite song
  9. 18. The words we love to tell each other
  10. 19. The day I first said I Love You
  11. 21. My favorite artist
  12. 23. One of my TG usernames
  13. 27. I would dedicate only for you: