
  1. 1. Second part of the Latin name, As specific as you can get
  2. 5. The scientific study of how living thigs are classified
  3. 6. change over time
  4. 7. Control center of the cell
  5. 11. An animal with a backbone
  6. 15. Transports protein for the cell
  7. 18. Breaks down waste
  8. 19. Allows what enters and leaves the cell
  9. 20. A group of similar cells that perform a specific function
  10. 22. The process of grouping things based on their similarities
  11. 24. Holds water food and waste
  12. 26. Delivers protein
  1. 2. Shape of an animal cell
  2. 3. An animal without a backbone
  3. 4. Produces protein
  4. 8. Gel-like fluid that allows other organelles to move
  5. 9. The mistaken idea that living things come from nonliving things
  6. 10. Gives energy for a cell
  7. 12. First part of a Latin name
  8. 13. Produces energy through photosynthesis
  9. 14. Balance of body parts
  10. 16. Named cells after jail cells
  11. 17. Protects the plant cell
  12. 21. Shape of an plant cell
  13. 23. A living thing
  14. 25. One