- 3. Use this to hold your place in the book
- 5. Comic books from Japan that are read the opposite direction from American/Western books
- 7. A true book about the life of a real person
- 9. A category of books with a similar style or features; e.g. fantasy, romance, horror.
- 11. Stories that are made up, not real
- 13. A story told in words and pictures, like a comic book (2 words)
- 14. How to keep a book longer when you're not finished with it
- 16. Long, skinny part in the middle of the book's cover
- 17. Abbreviation for requesting a book from a different school's library
- 18. The stamp inside the book that says when to return the book (2 words)
- 20. When you are late returning a book, you may receive an ____ notice
- 1. The app on Clever for downloading eBooks and audiobooks
- 2. The place you go online to search for books in the library
- 4. The area of the library for crafting & creating
- 6. Tells where the book goes in the library (2 words)
- 8. The person who wrote the book
- 10. The name of the book
- 12. Informational books that are true or historical
- 15. If a book you want is checked out, you can put it on ______
- 19. Nonfiction books are organized by the _____ Decimal Classification system