Library Crossword Contest

  1. 3. Use this to hold your place in the book
  2. 5. Comic books from Japan that are read the opposite direction from American/Western books
  3. 7. A true book about the life of a real person
  4. 9. A category of books with a similar style or features; e.g. fantasy, romance, horror.
  5. 11. Stories that are made up, not real
  6. 13. A story told in words and pictures, like a comic book (2 words)
  7. 14. How to keep a book longer when you're not finished with it
  8. 16. Long, skinny part in the middle of the book's cover
  9. 17. Abbreviation for requesting a book from a different school's library
  10. 18. The stamp inside the book that says when to return the book (2 words)
  11. 20. When you are late returning a book, you may receive an ____ notice
  1. 1. The app on Clever for downloading eBooks and audiobooks
  2. 2. The place you go online to search for books in the library
  3. 4. The area of the library for crafting & creating
  4. 6. Tells where the book goes in the library (2 words)
  5. 8. The person who wrote the book
  6. 10. The name of the book
  7. 12. Informational books that are true or historical
  8. 15. If a book you want is checked out, you can put it on ______
  9. 19. Nonfiction books are organized by the _____ Decimal Classification system