- 1. Particle found in the nucleus with no electric charge (7 Letters)
- 4. Physicist who developed the uncertainty principle (10 Letters)
- 7. Theory describing particles as having both wave and particle properties (19 Letters)
- 8. An electron in the highest energy level of an atom (7 Letters)
- 9. The particle with a charge of +1 and mass equal to a neutron(6 Letters)
- 10. The process by which a nucleus splits into smaller nuclei, releasing energy (7 Letters)
- 12. The law that energy cannot be created or destroyed (12 Letters)
- 13. Type of radiation consisting of high-energy photons (5 Letters)
- 16. An unstable isotope that emits radiation (12 Letters)
- 19. The positively charged center of an atom (7 Letters)
- 2. A unit of energy used in nuclear physics (12 Letters)
- 3. Device used to accelerate charged particles to high speeds (9 Letters)
- 5. The interaction responsible for the decay of neutrons into protons (4 Letters)
- 6. A subatomic particle with a negative charge (8 Letters)
- 9. A particle of light, also known as a quantum of electromagnetic radiation (6 Letters)
- 11. The energy required to remove an electron from an atom or ion (16 Letters)
- 14. The basic unit of matter, consisting of a nucleus surrounded by electrons (4 Letters)
- 15. The smallest quantity of electromagnetic radiation energy (6 Letters)
- 17. Term for the splitting of a nucleus into smaller parts (6 Letters)
- 18. Nucleus of a helium atom, emitted in radioactive decay (6 Letters)