
  1. 3. A symbol of the Spirit's transformative power.
  2. 4. The Holy Spirit is referred to as the Spirit of this.
  3. 7. What the Holy Spirit gives believers to witness boldly.
  4. 11. Evidence of the Spirit's work, such as love and joy.
  5. 12. The day the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles.
  6. 13. A mark of God's ownership through the Spirit.
  7. 15. The form the Spirit took during Jesus' baptism.
  1. 1. A name Jesus used for the Holy Spirit.
  2. 2. God's divine presence within believers.
  3. 5. Another name for the Holy Spirit promised by Jesus.
  4. 6. Part of the Holy Trinity.
  5. 8. Bestowed by the Spirit, like wisdom and faith.
  6. 9. The sacred act through which the Spirit is received.
  7. 10. Represents the invisible movement of the Holy Spirit.
  8. 14. Someone who supports and defends, like the Spirit does.