- 5. Number of years we’ve been in love.
- 6. My nickname that rhymes with a type of chocolate
- 7. Worst Christmas gift we ever got.
- 8. Name of hotel we stayed in Atlanta to Christmas shop
- 10. Holiday we saw Dave Matthew concert on.
- 12. Name of the man who married us.
- 13. Brand of dishes we registered for.
- 17. Name of the place we had our wedding reception
- 19. Name of our honeymoon resort.
- 21. Address of our first apartment
- 24. Store we purchased our bedroom furniture.
- 25. How many times you stood me up for a beach sunrise.
- 1. Weekend hangout spot in high school.
- 2. Furthest place we have ever been together.
- 3. Crossword
- 4. Number of pets we’ve owned in our marriage.
- 6. Character on watch I bought you while dating.
- 9. Cologne I wore while dating.
- 11. Church we first met each other at.
- 14. Color of our first baby nursery
- 15. Store you worked at in high school.
- 16. First name of lead actress in first date movie.
- 18. Brand of the first car we purchased together.
- 20. Store I worked at in high school.
- 22. Where we originally wanted to go on our honeymoon
- 23. Number of countries we’ve made love in.