20th Century Music

  1. 2. Impressionist composer, who wrote "La Mer"
  2. 6. Impressionist painter
  3. 7. Music style that lacks sense of musicality
  4. 8. Brought back Classical music after Beethoven
  5. 11. John Adams wrote the minimalist piece "Short Ride in a Fast ____"
  6. 14. Music that focuses on mood and atmosphere
  7. 15. Composer of Aleatoric music
  8. 16. How many notes are in a musical scale
  9. 17. Atonalist composer who wrote "Emanations"
  10. 19. Made use of microtones in his music
  1. 1. Music style that uses repetition and patterns
  2. 3. Music created using math instead of notes
  3. 4. Bach, Beethoven, and _______ belong to the first Viennese school
  4. 5. Composer of "Music for 18 Musicians"
  5. 9. Pioneered atonalism
  6. 10. Musique _______ utilized prerecorded instruments and electronics
  7. 12. Style of music which leaves something to chance
  8. 13. Schoenberg, Webern, and Berg belong to the Second _______ School
  9. 18. Used a prepared piano in his music