20th Word Puzzle (Imperialism)

  1. 3. gave the United States the exclusive right to build and control any proposed canal through Central America
  2. 5. constitution for cuba
  3. 6. a writer and poet who was passionately committed to the cause of Cuban independence
  4. 11. countries should be allowed to trade with China
  5. 14. Assistant Secretary of the Navy
  6. 16. powerful senator
  7. 17. ascended the Hawaiian throne
  8. 21. group wipeout “foreign devils” and their Christian converts, whom they believed were corrupting Chinese society
  9. 22. machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge
  10. 23. has a story called The Journal
  11. 24. has a story called World
  1. 1. an officer in the U.S. Navy who taught at the Naval War College
  2. 2. Taft’s policy
  3. 4. The growing American involvement in foreign affairs caused Roosevelt to expand his “big stick” diplomacy
  4. 5. The idea that the United States and Latin America should work together
  5. 7. writers often exaggerated or even made up stories to attract readers
  6. 8. 1897 president of the united states
  7. 9. prepare and issue into a book journal piece of music
  8. 10. area where a foreign nation controlled economic development such as railroad construction
  9. 12. the imperial power allowed the local rulers to stay in control and pro- tected them against rebellions and invasion
  10. 13. was popular idea in Britain and the United States
  11. 15. 16 battleships of the new United States Navy
  12. 18. had an order to take a naval expedition to Japan to negotiate a trade treaty
  13. 19. an attitude of aggressive nationalism
  14. 20. is the economic and political domination of a strong nation over other weaker nations