  1. 3. a talk between two or more people in which thoughts, feelings, and ideas are expressed, questions are asked and answered, or news and information is exchanged
  2. 7. When a number of people _______, they do the same thing one after the other
  3. 8. to discover, especially where a thing or person is, either unexpectedly or by searching, or to discover where to get or how to achieve something
  1. 1. to stop a person from speaking for a short period by something you say or do
  2. 2. to smile while making sounds with your voice that show you think something is funny or you are happy
  3. 4. something, such as a funny story or trick, that is said or done in order to make people laugh
  4. 5. conversation or reports about other people's private lives that might be unkind, disapproving, or not true
  5. 6. an unofficial interesting story or piece of news that might be true or invented, and quickly spreads from person to person: