21 Maika Coded Things

  1. 5. fav sport
  2. 6. current fav anime
  3. 8. commonly used word
  4. 10. fav drink
  5. 11. fav fruit
  6. 12. fav artist
  7. 13. fav colour
  8. 14. current husband
  9. 15. fav protein
  10. 17. shoe size (uk)
  11. 18. an addiction she has
  12. 19. dream car
  13. 20. fav kpop group
  14. 21. fav rock band
  1. 1. fav dessert
  2. 2. used to describe herself
  3. 3. cant leave the house without
  4. 4. go to mamak order
  5. 7. fav cuisine
  6. 9. dream course
  7. 16. fav series
  8. 20. number of piercings she has