- 5. põhjalik - Give the house a thorough cleaning.
- 7. sõbralikkus - He treated me with friendliness.
- 8. viisakus - Dean took a seat and joined her, part politeness , part to guard the remaining slice.
- 9. tundlikkus - This is a matter of great political sensitivity.
- 10. ambitsioonikas - Everyone has an ambition in life.
- 12. taktiline - A tactful native minister, Sir Donald McLean, did the rest.
- 13. julge - Everybody praised me for my daring act.
- 15. headus - I've shown you what kindness I possess.
- 1. ausalt - The bank has always dealt honestly with me.
- 2. tujukas - She's a moody woman—she can be happy one minute and angry the next.
- 3. vastutundlikkus - Lori didn't want the responsibility of a baby.
- 4. hellitav
- 6. alandlik - Suarez lived a very humble and simple life.
- 11. kannatlikus - Finally, his patience wore thin.
- 14. vaimukas - But he is one of the most vivid and witty of our medieval historians.