  1. 3. Definitely Kelly's favorite day of the week
  2. 5. What we all need!
  3. 7. Erick's future work site
  4. 10. camy's new favorite adult beverage
  5. 12. Our favorite tv and work character
  6. 14. What Paula thinks she remembers
  7. 15. Laura's official title
  8. 16. There's a proper place for this in Olmsted County
  9. 17. Our favorite summer season
  1. 1. The most essential item of 2020
  2. 2. Lee's new favorite task
  3. 4. Rich Lawler's favorite food
  4. 6. Glad we have these to make it through 2020
  5. 8. Julie's future job
  6. 9. The activity we love/hate
  7. 11. Two words to describe 2020
  8. 13. Where we all want to run away to