2200 PTAT Fall 2023

  1. 4. Main muscle of inspiration
  2. 5. Rehabilitation prior to this transplant can improve survival on the waitlist
  3. 10. Gas exchange
  4. 11. A score of 9-12 on this scale indicates moderate brain injury
  5. 12. a potential complication of hypertension
  6. 14. A small hole made in the skull with a drill for access to the brain for the placement of ICP monitoring systems
  7. 15. Below the knee amputation
  8. 19. An incision through the skull for access to the brain for extensive intracranial neurosurgery
  9. 20. Discontinuous lung sounds
  10. 21. diminished white and gray matter is a by-product of ______ on the nervous system
  11. 23. More than 1 risk factor for coronary artery disease
  12. 24. Gold standard outcome measure in lung transplant patients
  13. 27. This level of consciousness requires vigorous stimuli to awaken and patients present with extreme drowsiness
  14. 28. Multiple Sclerosis is a ___________ disease
  15. 29. due to total blockage of one of the main coronary arteries
  16. 31. This type of pneumonia is most common in the right lower lobe of the lungs
  17. 32. Resting exhalation is ________________
  18. 33. Chronic disorder with an abnormal collection of lymph fluid in the tissues, most common cause is mechanical insufficiency of the system
  19. 34. Abbreviation to remember signs of a stroke
  20. 35. Chronic ___________ can lead to heart failure
  21. 37. Difficulty swallowing foods or liquids, arising from the throat or esophagus, ranging from mild difficulty to complete and painful blockage
  1. 1. significant decrease in RBCs, all types of WBCs, and platelets
  2. 2. assists the vascular system by draining unabsorbed plasma from tissue spaces and returning the fluid to the heart via the thoracic duct, which empties in the left jugular vein.
  3. 3. An autoimmune disorder where the body attacks nerve cells within your PNS
  4. 6. Speed, Power, and Flow are parameters of this piece of medical equipment
  5. 7. Lung sound that indicates a medical emergency
  6. 8. A symptom of lymphedema is _____ changes of the skin
  7. 9. Obstructive disease that is reversible
  8. 13. Lung disease with a reduction of lung volume
  9. 16. radiographic viewing of arteries
  10. 17. Type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  11. 18. episodic vasospastic disorder with exposure to cold environments or emotional stress, may have numbness/tingling/burning
  12. 22. Death within 1 hour of onset of CHD symptoms
  13. 25. Precautions typically following open heart precautions
  14. 26. Tool used to assist in airway clearance
  15. 30. Score used to assess the severity of COPD
  16. 36. Late warning signs of a seizure