2.3 Leadership and Management

  1. 3. It encourages leaders to consider the situation carefully and assess the readiness of their followers before adopting the most appropriate leadership approach to maximise performance and development
  2. 6. Based on Intuition In this approach, decisions are often made based on intuition, instinct, and past experiences rather than rigorous data analysis.
  3. 8. Management Based on Data This management approach relies on quantifiable information and evidence to guide decision-making, improve efficiency, and enhance productivity.
  1. 1. One of the management functions
  2. 2. where a leader assumes a 'fatherly' role towards their subordinates, acting in a protective and authoritarian manner
  3. 4. This leadership style is most effective in organisations with skilled, experienced and creative employees
  4. 5. This leadership style is most appropriate where leaders are working with a highly skilled and self-motivated team that requires minimal supervision
  5. 7. In times of immediate crisis such as natural disasters or military conflicts quick and decisive action is often required