- 4. Fractions that represent the same value, but may have different numerators and denominators.
- 7. To find the product of two or more numbers.
- 13. To simplify a product of two fractions by canceling out common factors in the numerators and denominators.
- 15. A number that represents a part of a whole or a quotient of two quantities.
- 16. The result of multiplying two or more numbers.
- 17. A fraction in which the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator.
- 18. To find the quotient of two numbers.
- 19. To reduce a fraction to its lowest terms by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor.
- 1. (LCM) The smallest multiple that two or more numbers have in common.
- 2. A denominator that is the same for two or more fractions.
- 3. The bottom number of a fraction, representing the whole that is being divided into parts.
- 5. The result of dividing one number by another.
- 6. To simplify a quotient of two fractions by multiplying the numerator of one fraction by the denominator of the other and vice versa.
- 8. A fraction in which the numerator is less than the denominator.
- 9. A number that divides evenly into two or more numbers.
- 10. The top number of a fraction, representing the part of the whole that is being considered.
- 11. The inverse of a fraction, obtained by flipping its numerator and denominator.
- 12. A problem presented in a real-world context that requires mathematical reasoning to solve.
- 14. A number that consists of a whole number and a fraction.