- 1. Natural Sciences
- 4. easy
- 7. 4th (feminine)
- 8. who
- 10. practical (masculine)
- 11. the schedule
- 12. to teach
- 16. Social Sciences
- 17. 10th (feminine)
- 18. boring (masculine)
- 19. to study
- 20. to speak
- 25. y'all in Spain (masculine)
- 29. 7th )
- 30. favorite (masculine)
- 31. the class
- 32. the calculator
- 34. Technology
- 35. the homework
- 37. I need
- 39. she
- 40. the three-ringed binder
- 41. a lot (masculine)
- 2. 9th(feminine)
- 3. 8th (feminine)
- 5. let's see
- 6. you all
- 9. formal you
- 11. physical education
- 13. the dictionary
- 14. hard
- 15. schedule
- 21. interesting
- 22. 5th (feminine)
- 23. we (masculine)
- 24. 1st (feminine)
- 26. the lunch
- 27. 6th (feminine)
- 28. 3rd (feminine)
- 33. fun(masculine)
- 36. 2nd (feminine)
- 38. they feminine