2C Vocabulary - Energy in Ecosytems

  1. 3. The way in which individuals of a population are distributed, or spread out in an area
  2. 6. A diagram that compares the energy used by producers
  3. 9. Dispersion pattern where individuals live at specific distances from one another
  4. 11. the movement of individuals into a population from another population
  5. 13. Dispersion pattern where individuals live close together in groups
  6. 15. Organisms that eat only animals
  7. 16. An organism that makes their own food, also known as autotrophs
  8. 18. The maximum number of individuals of a particular species that the environment can hold
  9. 20. A factor that has the greatest effect on limiting population growth
  10. 21. Organisms that eat 1-2 specific foods
  11. 22. the movement of individuals out of a population and into another population
  12. 23. Feeding level in a food chain
  13. 24. Organisms that break down plant and animal matter into simpler compounds
  14. 25. Limiting factors that are affected by the amount of people (ex: competition, predation, parasitism)
  15. 26. Organisms that get their energy by eating other organisms, also known as heterotrophs
  16. 27. Organisms that eat a variety of different organisms
  17. 28. Another name for Consumers
  1. 1. Organisms that eat both plants and animals
  2. 2. Organisms that eat dead plant and animals
  3. 4. Another name for producers
  4. 5. Total amount, or dry mass, of an organisms in a given area
  5. 7. when population size increases greatly over time (graph shaped like a J)
  6. 8. Begins with periods of slow growth, followed by exponential growth and then levels out at carrying capacity (graph shaped like an S)
  7. 10. Limiting factors that affect populations regardless of population size (ex: unusual weather, natural disasters, human activities)
  8. 12. Measurement of the number of individuals living in a defined space
  9. 14. A large decrease in the size of a population over a short period of time
  10. 17. Dispersion pattern where individuals are spread randomly in an area
  11. 19. Organisms that eat only plants