2D shape VS 3D shape

  1. 2. (2D)The only shape that has countless Axis of symmetries.
  2. 3. (2D)The shape of the cross-section of a dam.
  3. 6. (2D)The most common kind of triangle that doesn't have any Axis of symmetries.
  4. 8. (2D)The only kind of triangle that have 3 Axis of symmetries.
  5. 9. (3D)The shape of a salt grain under the microscope.
  6. 10. (2D)A fake square that doesn't have right angles.
  7. 11. (2D)The only kind of quadrilateral that has 4 Axis of symmetries.
  8. 12. (3D)The shape of the shall of a lipstick.
  1. 1. (2D)The shape of the above surface of a student desk.
  2. 4. (2D)A fake rectangle that doesn't have right angles
  3. 5. (2D)The only kind of triangle that only have 1 Axis of symmetries.
  4. 7. (3D)The shape of a basketball.
  5. 12. (3D)The shape of a birthday hat.